Before / After
Avant/Après, Avec/Sans et VS pour illustrer les bénéfices d'un produit ou le comparer à la concurrence
Les secrets de loly - Béfore/after
- Before and After
- Split Screen
True classic - Before/after
- Before and After
- Split Screen
- Contenu Produit
- Promotion
Le fourgon - Témoignage
- Témoignages
- Before and After
Nooance - Before/after
- Before and After
- Split Screen
Cut by Fred - Before After
- Before and After
Charlotte bio - Before/after
- Before and After
- Contenu Produit
Lashilé Beauty - Statique before/after
- Before and After
- Témoignages
- Split Screen
Lomi - Statique vs
- Before and After
- Contenu Produit
Yade - Before/after
- Before and After
Skin & out - Split screen
- Split Screen
- Contenu Produit
- Pain Ads
Respire - Statique VS
- Before and After
Jolt - Before after
- Before and After
- Stop scroll
- Pain Ads
Huel - Statique vs
- Before and After
MyVariations - Before/after

- Before and After
- Growth Society
Le fourgon - Statique VS

- Before and After
Archie - VS
- Before and After
Apnée - VS

- Before and After
- Contenu Produit
OUAI - Before/after
- Before and After
- Contenu Produit
- Témoignages
BFF - Before/after
- Bénéfits Ads
- Split Screen
- Before and After
- Contenu Produit
Otter - Before/after
- Before and After
- Growth Society
MyVariations - Ecom VS réalité
- Before and After
- Split Screen
- Contenu Produit
- Bénéfits Ads
- Growth Society
Spring - VS

- Before and After
- Growth Society
Falou - Before/after
- TikTok Style
- Before and After
DanceBit - UGC
- Stop scroll
- All in one
- Bénéfits Ads
- Before and After
MyVariations - Avec/sans

- Growth Society
- Before and After
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